
Cheek enhancement

As part of the natural ageing process, we lose mid face volume as a result of loss of fat and the weakening and absorption of the underlying bone structure. This unfortunately speeds up in women after the menopause where ONE year is equivalent to SEVEN years ageing before the menopause!

Loss of this cheek and mid face volume causes the accompanying tissues to sag leading to the development of the nasolabial fold and the jowls and weakness of the jawline.

Correction of this lost volume is vital to the overall rejuvenation process and helps to restore symmetry and balance to the face. In itself it can also improve some the folds and wrinkles in the lower face and jaw by lifting and supporting tissue. This leaves behind a soft, youthful appearance once more establishing the “Triangle of Youth”

Juvederm Voluma is also the product of choice in younger people who would like to consider an enhancement of their cheekbones.

Cheek enhancement

Is it for me?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum non neque odio. Sed euismod risus eu varius tempor. Donec tempor ante id dui venenatis placerat. In ornare turpis in libero efficitur egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed ac augue leo. Praesent eu venenatis libero, vitae mattis neque. Fusce ac purus at purus ornare sagittis a ullamcorper odio. Vivamus convallis odio id risus posuere, sit amet tempus leo lacinia. Quisque vulputate mi ut accumsan tristique. Pellentesque posuere, neque sit amet venenatis varius, risus ante semper lacus, eget maximus felis erat ut urna. In quis feugiat tortor.

Frequently asked questions

Mauris purus lorem, tincidunt egestas lacus vel, finibus lacinia mauris. Ut dapibus iaculis eros vel semper. Suspendisse blandit justo eget condimentum condimentum. Aliquam nec ligula ac diam porta lobortis eget quis augue. Etiam a risus id velit aliquam aliquam vitae ut eros. Phasellus tortor lorem, rutrum quis imperdiet a, posuere vel diam. Nulla eu metus quis lorem egestas tincidunt vehicula in tortor. Pellentesque suscipit volutpat venenatis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec venenatis lorem mauris, vitae commodo nisi vulputate vestibulum. Mauris vitae diam eu neque accumsan iaculis a et erat. Sed fringilla ultricies feugiat. Phasellus eu ipsum non nisl eleifend vulputate.

Case studies

Donec consectetur risus eu massa facilisis, feugiat commodo turpis egestas. Donec quis diam tortor. Sed tristique aliquet dolor, at consequat eros interdum vel. In aliquam lorem nec sodales hendrerit. Curabitur tincidunt lacinia mauris, ac tincidunt risus tempus vel. Phasellus ut eros ac velit egestas iaculis id quis libero. Nullam non pulvinar nunc, nec volutpat nisi. Mauris eu libero nisi. Nulla tristique ipsum sit amet mollis pharetra. Vestibulum felis diam, vehicula a nisi a, rutrum vehicula dui. Vestibulum sed laoreet neque, dignissim cursus nulla. Nulla varius commodo mauris a commodo. Sed mattis lacus eget dolor bibendum lacinia.

Treatment prices

First session including a follow up and including additional treatment at 4 weeks£350
Additional treatment within 12 months£250
*Repeat treatment after 12 months£350

Why choose Dr Dan Dhunna

I chose to have my cheeks lifted with Juvederm Voluma and I knew Dr Dan Dhunna was the man for the job!! Amazing results. I’m so, so happy!”

Charlie, Knightsbridge London

Make an appointment. Call: 020 8168 0268

Juvederm Voluma is my product of choice when consulting people who would like to consider an enhancement of their cheekbones. Everyone is unique and I will explain the options available to you.

Explore treatments

Treatments including dermal fillers are performed by Dr Dan Dhunna at his dermal filler London clinic, Solihull Nr Birmingham and Dudley Nr Wolverhampton(West Midlands), Bridgnorth, Shropshire and Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire (Cotswolds)


Dermal fillers for facial contouring must be administered to compliment your own, natural facial structure and very subtly enhance specific facial areas. Dr Dan Dhunna’s expertise in facial augmentation using only the most superlative products in the world, allows him to consider your face in its entirety and administer the most appropriate filler in the exact quantity needed, into the most appropriate areas for the very best results.

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